free ingenious surprising

Dan's monthly miracle healing

Get your big fat energy healing of the month that you won't find anywhere else!

Elevate your reality – with potent Rainbow Reiki® energy medicine

  • Bring a problem
  • health-wise or emotional
  • A block or tension
  • Or a worry
  • 30 minutes
  • Recharge your batteries
  • Care for your health

Relaxed You is a better You!

Everyone’s reactions to Reiki is different: ranging from pleantly tingling sensations to a spiritual orgasm. Rediscover your own (energy) body!

You can also bring friends and enjoy together…

Click here to see all miracle dates:

Sign up here and get your Zoom access link

Rainbow Reiki® does not replace medical diagnosis or therapy.
Your data will be stored by Dan Mor, but not shared with third parties.
You will receive Reiki related emails from Dan Mor. This service can be easily cancelled with one click.
Thank you for your trust!